What do you think of this new blog layout?

a Azrael Blog Demo Page 2012-02-06 11-29-18
I'm planning to change my blog layout and I want to improve the style and have a streamlined version that readers can browse my pages easily and the search for new and old blog content will just be a single click. It took me almost a year to find a blog layout that will make me comfortable in posting updates and also for my readers. Just throw in some comments and suggestions here in my comments board, and if you have a found a cool layout for me, just share it here! thanks in advance!

I tried surfing my blog using the new template that I found last week and Its fun to click the OLDER BLOG POST link and it took me back to my past post and then from there I can now read my old updates easily if ever I want to search back some content that I posted.

Above is a sample screen shot of my new blog layout.
What do you think? (more below)

b Azrael Blog Demo Page 2012-02-06 11-29-18
Here's a sample of the blog body showing a preview of my post with title and a link direct to the blog post.

c Azrael Blog Demo Page 2012-02-06 11-29-18
and here's a sample view below my blog content body, a list and collection of links to different kinds of topics

and here's the entire view of it

Azrael Blog Demo Page 2012-02-06 11-29-18

so what do you think?
you like the new layout??